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Year 6

I hope this page provides you with lots of information about how you can help your child at home and gives you a peak at what we've been busy doing in school. 

Keep an eye on our 'Breaking News' section to see what's new on our page!

Please let me know of anything you'd like me to add.  

Thank you!  Mrs Allen

Breaking Y6 news:

- Welcome to the second half of Year 6! You have done half of your final year already - and what a fantastic class you have been so far! 

- World Book Day is next week (Thursday March 6th) - you can dress up as a book or a character from a book if you'd like to. Your families are invited into our classroom to come and read too during the afternoon (2:45pm until home time).  We'll also be celebrating reading in lots of other ways during the week too!  The information poster we emailed to families is attached below. Bring in your book swap books this week in readiness for next week.

- Check out our photos that are in our Spring 2 gallery. More information about this half-term can be found on our Spring 2 page.

- Spring 2 P.E. days - Wednesday and Thursday. Please come to school in your P.E. kit (including a jumper and trainers) on P.E. days. We will have two outdoor sessions this half term: racket sports (tennis) with Mrs Fletcher and invasion games (ultimate Frisbee) with Mrs Allen. You will find it more comfortable to catch and pass the Frisbee if you can remember some thin gloves on a Thursday.