SATs information
SATs are Statutory Assessment Tests that test Year 6 children on what they have been learning throughout Y3, Y4, Y5 and Y6. These tests are used to keep track of progress in a child's learning. We know that children in Year 6 often feel worried about these tests but we make sure we keep thinking about what we already know, build on foundations that have already been built and focus on our own personal progress.
Here is a brief overview of what SATs will entail for this academic year. If you have any questions, queries or concerns about SATs, please do come in for a chat.
SATs will take place between May 12th and May 15th 2025.
Spelling, punctuation and grammar (SPAG)
Writing (not a SAT)
We collect a portfolio of writing evidence from every child over a number of months. Children need to be demonstrating mastery of the writing objectives. You can see below examples of objectives where a child has not yet met the standard for Year 6 (working towards the standard) and the additional objectives required to be assessed as working at the required standard. There are also additional objectives for working at greater depth.
Working towards the expected standard (i.e. is not meeting the required standard)
Working at the expected standard (i.e. is meeting the required standard)