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Term 1 - Autumn 2

What will we be studying during our second half-term?

In English, we've continued reading a books with a WW2 theme and we've used this to inspire some drama work and our writing. We'll be revising some skills and then building on these to help us develop into Year 6 writers. Our focus will be on writing cohesively by making connections and including cohesive devices (such as repetition, conjunctions and adverbs) and we'll be trying to create believable settings and characters. We'll use drama to help us build character through dialogue and then use these ideas in our writing. 

In maths, we've moved on to fractions. We'll be thinking about what a fraction is and then revising or learning how to compare and order fractions and we'll be learning to calculate with fractions using all four operations. Following this, we'll be studying measure which is a really useful 'real world' application of maths.

In science, we'll be studying evolution and inheritance as we learn about variation, inherited traits, adaptation, the theory of evolution and the scientists whose work led to the theory.

In geography, we're studying population - thinking about what population is, how and why a country's population changes and how those changes impact people and the environment.

In DT, we're cooking this half-term as we take part in a project called 'Come Dine With Me'. We'll be looking at several 'hero' ingredients and their journey from farm to fork. We'll also be researching, planning and cooking a three course meal using these hero ingredients. We'll use practical food preparation skills as well as developing our knowledge of tastes and flavour combinations.

In PSHE, we're working with the Peacemakers this half-term to learn about people who are displaced - either within their own countries or between countries. We are learning to understand their lives a little more, to build empathy for people whose lives are very different to some of ours and to develop respect for different ways of living.

Our Christian value this half-term is peace.

You can read about different ways to show peace in your home and community in the PDF below. You could read about how David tried to establish peace with Saul in 1 Samuel 24 in the Bible or you could consider the work of Rigoberta Menchu who worked so tirelessly and bravely in the face of hardship that she was awarded a Nobel Peace Prize.