Year 3 Spellings
In Year 3 the children are expected to know the Y1 and Y2 common exception words and to begin to learn the Y3 and Y4 statutory spellings. We will also continue to work on learning spelling patterns and using them in our extended writing.
The children will have a new set of between 5 and 12 spelling words to learn every week. Please support your children to learn these words at home. The children will write their new spellings into the front of their spelling book and bring them home. They will do their spelling test in the back of their spelling book so that you can see how they got on with their spellings when they bring their book home.
They will need their spelling book in school EVERY day as we will be using them to support our spelling work throughout the week.
The children need to learn their spelling words to use in their writing so at times they will be tested on words they have had previously to help them to keep the words fresh in their memories.
We are having a go at lots of different strategies to help our spellings this year at school. You can encourage your child to use these strategies at home too. Have a look at the documents below for ideas.
You could encourage your child to put some of their spelling words into sentences. This will help them to remember to use their spellings when they are writing sentences in other contexts. It can also be helpful to work out the meaning of words.