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Term 1 Autumn Term 2024

Autumn 2 


We will start the term with a whole school writing task based on a book called 'The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr Lessmore'. The children will have the opportunity to explore the story, predict what might happen and to write their own part of the story. We will then move on to a book called The Dark by  Lemony Snicket. We will write setting descriptions and diaries from the perspective of the character Laszlo who starts the story being afraid of the dark.



In maths we will continue to work on addition and subtraction this half term. We will be thinking about using the column method to add and subtract 2-digit and 3-digit numbers. This will include thinking about how we might exchange across 10 and 100. After that we will begin to think about multiplication and division where we will review learning on arrays, equal groups and multiples of 2, 5 and 10 before building on this next term. 

 Search Results for addition - Clip Art - Pictures - Graphics - Illustrations Subtraction Clip Art, HD Png Download , Transparent Png Image - PNGitem


Our key question this half term is: 

How do festivals and family life show what matters to Jewish people?

We will be learning about different Jewish festivals and customs including Shabbat, Passover and Yom Kippur. We will also think about what Jewish people believe about gratitude, forgiveness and blessings. 

Jewish Family On Shabbat Eve Stock Illustration - Download Image Now -  Jewish Sabbath, Judaism, Family - iStock   


Our geography unit is called 'Are all settlements the same?' We will describe and identify types of settlements in our local area as well as exploring further away in New Delhi.

We are looking forward to getting out of the classroom for a walk around the area to find and look at different settlements. 


In our science work this half term we will be thinking about what light, dark and shadows are. We will identify light sources and reflectors,  learn about how we see light and think about how light travels. We will explore and investigate the meaning of transparent, translucent and opaque and think about how shadows are created.


In DT this half term we will be investigating structures which will result in making our own castles. We are very much looking forward to constructing and evaluating our final castle structures


During music we will learning and playing the glockenspiel. This will provide opportunity to follow sheets music and improvise our own tunes too.

Autumn 1


During English we will be reading and exploring the text Stone Age Boy by Satoshi Kitamura. We will then write our own stories based on the events in the text. As well as this, we will also look at biographies and how they are structured. We will then write our own biography about Mary Anning- using the book Stone Girl Bone Girl by Laurence Anholt to help. 


In maths we will be starting our work with a unit on place value. We will be learning to represent and partition numbers into thousands, hundreds, tens and ones.  We will then move on to think about addition and subtraction where we will be building on our work adding and subtracting two digit numbers and starting to think about adding and subtracting three digit numbers. 

Place Value Primary Teaching Resources & Decimal Numbers - SparkleBox Search Results for addition - Clip Art - Pictures - Graphics - Illustrations Subtraction Clip Art, HD Png Download , Transparent Png Image - PNGitem


Our key question this half term is: 

What do Christians learn from the creation story?

We will be reminding ourselves of the creation story and why it is important to Christians. We will think about where the story fits in with our timeline on our 'Big Frieze' and we will think about what Christians and others can learn about our world and how we should treat it. 

Vacation Bible School — Mount Olivet Adam Eve Stock Illustrations – 730 Adam Eve Stock Illustrations, Vectors &  Clipart - Dreamstime


In our science work this half term we will be exploring rocks and soils.



Would you prefer to live in the Stone Age, Bronze Age or Iron Age? We will be exploring all things to do with these time periods to answer our question. Ending with a visit from the History Man- can't wait!