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The Multiplication Check

Developing a secure knowledge and understanding of all multiplication tables to 12 and their corresponding division facts is a key aspect of the Year 4 curriculum.

In the Summer term we undertake a national multiplication check.  Later in the year we will begin daily practise using the chromebooks so children are used to the format of the test.

It is very important children try and practise times tables for 5-10 minutes every day at home. You'll be amazed at the progress that can be made and how much it'll help improve in all areas of maths. There are lots of ways you can do this including: writing them down, chanting, singing, drawing, reading times table stories or playing games on line such as those on Maths Shed or Hit the Button.

  • Maths Shed Maths Shed has a multiplication check simulator

21 number facts

One of the ways we practise times tables in school is by using 21 number facts. You can find an example sheet and the principles explained here as well as a more difficult sheet including 36 number facts.