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Parish Passports

 Our Parish Passports are a collection of progressive phased booklets linked to our curriculum and local area with tasks and activities for children to complete both with their families and independently.

Children in Reception work towards their Bronze Award.

Children in Year 1 & 2 work towards their Silver Award.

Children in Year 3 & 4 work towards their Gold Award.

Children in Year 5 & 6 work towards their Platinum Award.

In the booklets you will find a collection of tasks for children to complete divided into the following five areas: Convey Christian Vision, Cultivate Curiosity, Grow Your Mind, Healthy Hero and Global Citizen.

These booklets should be kept safely at home and only need to come to school when children have completed their set number of tasks in one of the five areas. They will then be able to discuss their achievements with an adult in school and claim their certificate. There is a final prize when they complete all five areas for their phase.

There will be regular opportunities for children to collect their certificates in whole school assemblies at the end of each half term.

At Malvern Parish we are committed to providing our children with high quality learning experiences that lead to a consistently high level of pupil achievement. We believe that children will achieve their true potential through our partnership and guidance as a school community in assisting them to grow into positive, responsible people, who can work and co-operate with others while developing their knowledge and skills.

Learning is said to occur when information from working memory is transferred to long-term memory through conscious processing – linking new knowledge to what's already in our memory, or prior knowledge. It is the result of how pupils interpret and respond to their experiences – conscious and unconscious, past and present. Therefore, at Malvern Parish, we want our pupils to have a wealth of rich and varied experiences to support them in both providing a foundation for future learning and finding and flourishing in their God given gifts.

Aims and Objectives

  • To guide children to live out our Christian values.
  • To help children develop a sense of curiosity and interest in the world around them.
  • To enable all children to learn and develop their skills to the best of their ability.
  • To promote a positive attitude towards learning, so that children enjoy coming to school and acquire a solid basis for life-long learning.
  • To help children to understand what learning is, to recognise when they have made progress and to take responsibility for their own learning.
  • To enable children to develop a range of personal and social skills.
  • To support children in growing into fit and healthy individuals.
  • To encourage courageous advocacy and enable children to be positive, responsible citizens in society.

For more information about this please refer to the presentation below.