Year 1
Welcome to our class website page. Here you will find lots of information about the things we will be busy doing in school. Make sure you check the website regularly for any updates we might have put on here. We look forward to sharing our Year 1 journey together.
From Mrs Dobson and Miss Roberts
Watch out for all the latest news here! I will let you know what has been updated on the website.
What's coming up?
The Autumn days are well and truly here now and we have enjoyed exploring Autumn with our senses. Have you been out for an Autumn walk? What did you see?
We are learning about the different seasons in our science lessons. In Geography, we are exploring our local environment and looking at maps. In D&T we are looking at mechanisms and finding out how to make moving pictures.
We start every morning at 8.55 with the register, then it is straight into learning, so make sure to set those alarm clocks nice and early to get to school with plenty of time. The doors open at 8.45 and the children use the 10 minutes before the register to find their friends, get their bags ready and change their books if they need to.
After the register, we get stuck in to our reading squad (these are our reading groups) or spellings.
The morning continues with Collective Worship, English, playtime, Phonics then maths.
At lunchtime, we tell the children what they will be having for lunch and we encourage them to remember this so that they can tell the dinner supervisor. After they have eaten, the children go out to play.
In the afternoon, we have our foundation subjects such as science, RE, History/Geography, Art/DT and PE. The children will also have the opportunity to go to forest school with Miss Roberts.
What do you need to bring to school?
Please make sure you have a named water bottle in school. They are encouraged to drink plenty of water during the day and they can refill them in the classroom.
Remember to send your child with a fresh fruit/vegetable snack that they will have in the afternoons every day.
We try to get outside for playtime, whatever the weather! So make sure you bring a coat.
PE is on Thursday and Friday. On these days children can come in their PE kit.
Please ensure that your child’s belongings are clearly labelled with their names. This includes water bottles and fruit pots please.
Art Lessons
We also need an apron to keep our uniform clean when we do art, painting and craft activities as part of our art curriculum. It is very helpful if you send in an old, adult-sized shirt or t-shirt for the children to wear over their school uniform like an apron. Please ensure that this is named and it will be kept in a box in the classroom ready to use.